Kristine Lowe er en meget aktiv og innovativ norsk webjournalist, der dels skriver på og dels underviser i webjournalistik.
Nu har Kristine været så venlig at oversætte mit og Lars K. Jensens link-manifest (publiseret på ) til engelsk på
First law: We link to the sources for the data we use in our journalistic products. If we have read, seen or heard important new information on an external site – for instance about companies, people or surveys – we will link to it.
Second law: We link directly and precisely to the information we use from external sites. In this way we provide proper service to our readers rather than just linking to the frontage of the external site.
Third law: We are precise in our information about where a link leads to; about who has produced the information we link to and when. The readers should know where it takes them when they follow a link.
Fourth law: We recognise that an article consisting of precise links to information that represents different angles on an issue is a journalistic product.
Fifth law: We are open to inbound links to our own news sites because we want to be an integrated part of the web’s ecosystem
Sixth law: We aspire to making it easier to link directly to our articles.
Det bliver spændende at se hvilke kommentarer engelsk-sprogede journalister har til manifestet, der – skal vi være ærlige – ikke blev vildt diskuteret herhjemme, men forhåbentlig såede nogle frø hist og pist.
Manifestet er blevet beskrevet på fx. Strive Notes fra et PR-bureau, Strive PR.
Desuden har det rumænske HotNews også beskrevet det – på rumænsk, forståes .
Hi, glad to see you’ve noticed my post related to your manifesto. What it was about: most of the classic media sites (in Romania, as elsewhere) avoid sending the reader off their pages. The links, when existing, send to partners, other brands inside the group and so on. I’m a Romanian consultant & trainer preoccupied about the issue of the web ecosystem. Apparently, Web 2.0 sites thrive when sending people on some other sites and it all has to do with the non-linear behaviour (see Jakob Nielsen). There are two ways of dealing with the reader/user:
1. trying to capture him inside your site, which, as you noticed, may cause some frustration and anyway provides less editorial value
2. giving him the greatest amount of comfort, via outbound links.